At times those who do not want their inconsistencies pointed out say in a super sweet voice to me "Judge not, lest ye be judged." I reply, "Ok, judge me then." ~Ammon Hennacy
I have no grievances. For all my struggles, I can't imagine living a better life than this. My fam- ily, my friends, and my community are so much more than I deserve. -Brent DeRidder has no affiliation with the Libertarian Party or any Candidates and is provided for entertainment only and has no bearing on party status.
At times those who do not want their inconsisten- cies pointed out say in a super sweet voice to me "Judge not, lest ye be judged." I reply, "Ok, judge me then." ~Ammon Hennacy has no affiliation with the Libertarian Party or any Candidates, and is provided for entertainment only and has no bearing on party status.
I have no grievances. For all my struggles, I can't imagine living a better life than this. My fam- ily, my friends, and my community are so much more than I deserve. -Brent DeRidder